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3D Animations for 'Machines Alive'
Interworld Productions, LLC (Seattle, Washington) - 18 December 1998

Selected sequences produced for 'Machines Alive', an international TV documentary about nanotechnology, produced by Interworld Productions, LLC (Seattle, Washington).

Flanders Technology International (F.T.I.), Mechelen (Belgium)
-20 October 1998

Flanders Technology International is building Flanders first interactive center for science and technology. E-spaces created a VRML model of the building as it is going to be built.
The VRML model allows visitors of the F.T.I. website to take a virtual tour around the future building. An "appreciation flight" offers users a visit around the 3D-building, as were they seated in a helicopter.

Virtual Europe
European Commission Directorate General XV( Brussels, Europe, Belgium) - June 1998

Virtual Europe is a 3D internet site, where people can walk and collect tailor-made information in 11 languages about their rights and opportunities in the European Union. Visitors can also get free advice from experts, and interact with other people by using virtual representations ('avatars'). This project is a part of the European Commission's permanent Dialogue with Citizens and Business which gives people user-friendly direct access -free-phone numbers, internet- to information and advice about the European Union.

DHL Brussels' Hub
DHL Courier Service ( Brussels, Belgium) - 1998

IPIX images of the key points in the DHL Hub in Brussels. A series of images will be created to give an overview of different important stages in the handling of the documents.